Marina Heredia makes her debut with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia

Marina Heredia makes her debut with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia

Marina Heredia makes her debut with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia conducted by José Trigueros, in a program that includes a selection of Canciones Españolas Antiguas, compiled and harmonized by Federico García Lorca and orchestrated by the conductor himself, and the brief intervention of El corregidor y la molinera, by Manuel de Falla. The concerts will take place in Santiago, A Coruña and Ourense on December 17, 18 and 22, respectively. This same program will be performed again with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia in February 2022, with concerts in other Galician towns such as Lugo or Valga.

Marina Heredia is one of the most internationally requested cantaoras to perform El Amor Brujo by Manuel de Falla. She has worked, among others, with the San Francisco and Chicago Symphony Orchestras, both under Spanish conductor Pablo Heras-Casado, with whom she has also recorded it for Harmonia Mundo with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra. In France he has sung it with the Rouen Opera and the Orchestre National de Lille, both times under Josep Vicent, and she has more recently performed it in Spain at the Úbeda International Music and Dance Festival with the RTVE Orchestra led by Manuel Hernández-Silva, with whom she had already participated in a superb production by La Fura dels Baus at the Granada Festival.


Soon she will sing it again with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra under Pablo Heras-Casado in two iconic German halls such as the Philharmonie and the Konzerthaus, and shortly afterwards with the Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música conducted by Stefan Blunier. In the 2022/23 season, Marina will be a resident artist in the subscription series of a German orchestra to be announced in due course. During this artistic residency, Marina will perform El Amor Brujo as well as the world premiere of a work commissioned by the orchestra and composed specifically for her by a Spanish composer. She will also offer a flamenco concert with her company and an informal chamber music concert with musicians from the orchestra, which will include fragments of her last album, CAPRICHO.


Christian Vásquez, concerts in Italy and Poland

Christian Vásquez, concerts in Italy and Poland

Maestro Christian Vásquez will be conducting in Italy and Poland for the next two weeks: in Italy, he will lead the Sicilian Symphony Orchestra on November 26 and 27 at the Politeama Garibaldi Theater, in a program that includes concerts for saxophone and orchestra by Glazunov and Pierre-Philippe Bauzin, with saxophonist Alex Sebastianutto, and Symphony No. 8 by Dvořák. In Poland, he will conduct the National Music Forum Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra (NFM Filharmonia Wrocławska) on December 3. The program includes Vaughan Williams’s Suite for Viola and Orchestra, with Artur Tokarek as soloist, and Bizet’s Symphony in C. Immediately afterwards, Christian will travel to Paris to assist Gustavo Dudamel in the production of Le nozze di Figaro at the National Opera of Paris, whose performances will take place throughout the months of January and February, just before returning to Spain to lead the Navarra Symphony Orchestra, in a program that includes the Concerto-Capriccio for harp and orchestra by Xavier Montsalvatge with the harpist Cristina Montes, and Brahms’ 3rd Symphony.

Christian Vásquez was Music Director of the Teresa Carreño Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela, leading them on an important tour around Europe which took them to perform in London, Lisbon, Toulouse, Munich, Stockholm and Istanbul. Vásquez has also been Principal Conductor of the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra between 2013 and 2019, and Principal Guest Conductor of the Het Gelders Orkest from 2015 till 2020, a tenure he started with a tour around The Netherlands featuring an all-Latin programme.

Christian Vásquez concerts in Italy and Poland

Following his debut with the Gävle Symfoniorkester in October 2009, one of his first appearances in Europe, Christian was appointed Principal Guest Conductor between 2010 and 2013. He has worked with the Philharmonia Orchestra, Residentie Orkest, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Vienna Radio Symphony, Camerata Salzburg, State Symphony of Russia, Tokyo Philharmonic and Singapore Symphony. In North America, he has conducted the National Arts Centre Orchestra (Ottawa) and Los Angeles Philharmonic, the latter during his participation in their Young Artist Fellowship Program.

Since then he has conducted orchestras in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Estonia, Ireland, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Korea, etc. Christian’s first opera engagement in Europe was at the Norwegian Opera with Carmen. Christian Vásquez started playing the violin at the age of 8, in the city of San Sebastián de los Reyes (Aragua State). In 2006 he began his studies of orchestral conducting under maestro José Antonio Abreu, and that same year he was appointed musical director of the José Félix Ribas Youth Symphony Orchestra, in the Aragua State.




Leo Rondón and Pacho Flores, new premieres with the Liverpool Philharmonic

Leo Rondón and Pacho Flores, new premieres with the Liverpool Philharmonic

The Venezuelan cuatrista Leo Rondón accompanies Pacho Flores in two new important UK premieres with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic under Domingo Hindoyan, current Principal Conductor of the orchestra. On November 11, they will premiere Concerto Venezolano, by Paquito D’Rivera, and on November 14 it will be the turn for Cantos y Revueltas, by Pacho Flores himself. The Concierto Venezolano was commissioned by the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic together with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Minería, which premiered and recorded it in the summer of 2019 under the direction of Carlos Miguel Prieto, the Valencia Orchestra, which will premiere it in Spain next February under Manuel Hernández-Silva, and the San Diego Symphony Orchestra, which will offer the American premiere at the end February under its Principal Conductor Rafael Payare.

Concierto Venezolano is already scheduled in other places this season, such as the Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra with Hernández-Silva or the Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, which will premiere it in France under Hernández-Silva together with Roberto Sierra’s Salseando, another result of this ambitious project of shared commissions for new trumpet concerts dedicated to Pacho Flores.

Album cover of Cantos y Revueltas, with Flores, Rondón, the RFG and Hernández-Silva

Cantos y Revueltas, on the other hand, was premiered in 2018 by the Real Filharmonía de Galicia under Hernández-Silva and recorded for the homonymous album in Deutsche Grammophon. Since then, it has been performed by the Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia, Malaga Philharmonic, Navarre Symphony Orchestra, Bolívar Philharmonic of Miami, TCU Latin American Festival of Fort Worth in Texas, Jalisco Philharmonic or the Orquesta de Extremadura, and is already programmed in Valencia and Gran Canaria, together with D’Rivera’s Concierto Venezolano, and soon in Norway and Sweden. With a few exceptions, all performances of Cantos y Revueltas have had Leo Rondón and Hernández-Silva together with Pacho Flores.

Hernández-Silva, Pacho Flores, Roberto Sierra, Salseando estrenos

Freiberg, Márquez, D’Rivera, Flores and Prieto during a recording for Deutsche Grammophon

Project of shared commissions for new trumpet concerts

The project of shared commissions has resulted in new trumpet concerts by composers such as Arturo Márquez, the aforementioned Paquito D’Rivera and Roberto Sierra, Christian Lindberg, Efraín Oscher or Daniel Freiberg, and has attracted the attention of orchestras from all the world. Some of these orchestras have been involved in more than one commission, such as the Oviedo Filarmonía, Real Filharmonía de Galicia, Orquesta de Minería in Mexico and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, which have shared commissions with the National Symphony of Mexico, Tucson Symphony, Hyogo PAC Orchestra of Japan, Orquesta de Valencia, San Diego Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, Orquestra do Estado de São Paulo, Arctic Philharmonic of Norway, Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia, Bilkent Symphony from Turkey or Walla Walla Symphony in the USA.

Concerto Venezolano, Paquito D'Rivera

Pacho Flores with Vicente Honorato, CEO of STOMVI

All these concerts have been written for a wide variety of instruments —trumpets, cornets and flugelhorn— with four pistons and in different keys, some of them authentic prototypes that the Spanish brand STOMVI has manufactured for Pacho Flores in a personalized way, offering him a wide range of timbres and colors, a register and an expressive capacity never known before in a brass instrument.




Flores and the Oviedo Filarmonía premiere new Daniel Freiberg’s concerto

Flores and the Oviedo Filarmonía premiere new Daniel Freiberg’s concerto

Pacho Flores keeps adding premieres to this vibrant start of the season, this time together with the Oviedo Filarmonía and Lucas Macías for the absolute premiere of Historias de Flores y Tangos by Daniel Freiberg, a new shared commission with the participation of the Oviedo Filarmonía, the Arctic Philharmonic led by Manuel Hernández-Silva, the Orquesta de Minería with Carlos Miguel Prieto, and the Walla Walla Symphony under its principal conductor Yaacob Bergman. The Oviedo Filarmonía already participated in the commission of Concierto de otoño by Arturo Márquez, together with the Orquesta Nacional de México (Prieto), the Tucson Symphony conducted by José Luis Gómez, and the Hyogo PAC Orchestra led by Michiyoshi Inoue.

The Asturian orchestra has thus been involved in the first and last commissions within the first of the six phases the project consists of. The project also includes Paquito D’Rivera’s Concierto Venezolano, which will close its round of premieres in Spain with the Orquesta de Valencia under Hernández-Silva after being premiered by the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic (Domingo Hindoyan) and the San Diego Symphony Orchestra (Rafael Payare); the concert Salseando by Roberto Sierra, which was already premiered in Liverpool (Hindoyan) and Murcia (Hernández-Silva) and will close its round of premieres this season with the Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo (Prieto) and the Orchestra National de Bordeaux -Aquitaine (Hernández-Silva); Danzas Latinas by Efraín Oscher, commissioned and premiered by the Real Filharmonía de Galicia with Hernández-Silva; and Christian Lindberg’s Caballos Mágicos, premiered by the Real Filharmonía de Galicia (Paul Daniel) and very recently by the Swedish Chamber Orchestra with Lindberg himself at the podium, with premieres in Turkey and the US in dates to be confirmed. Pacho Flores had previously premiered another concert by Daniel Freiberg, Crónicas Latinoamericanas, a transcription for trumpet of the original written for clarinet, with the Het Gelders Orkest under Christian Vásquez.

Flores and the Oviedo Filarmonía premiere a concert by Daniel Freiberg

D. Freiberg, A. Márquez, P. D’Rivera, P. Flores and C. M. Prieto during the recording of Mestizo for Deutsche Grammophon

There is a double satisfaction for Pacho Flores in this project of shared commissions. On the one hand, it promotes an unprecedented expansion of the solo trumpet and orchestra repertoire. On the other hand, these new concerts, with enormous technical and musical demands that have fostered the great diversity of new four-piston prototypes in various keys that are being personally manufactured for Pacho by the house STOVI, have come to stay and are now being programmed on a regular basis. Márquez’s concert, whose round of premieres took place throughout the season 2018/19, has already been programmed almost thirty times after the last scheduled premiere; Oscher’s concert has already been performed in Mexico, France and Sweden and is scheduled this season with the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra under Christian Vásquez; and Paquito D’Rivera’s concert is scheduled, also this season, with the Gran Canaria Philharmonic under Hernández-Silva. Several of these concerts have already been recorded for a new Deutsche Grammophon album that will be presented in 2022, and others will be recorded along the coming months. At the same time, Pacho Flores has already composed two concerts as well, Cantos y Revueltas, for trumpet, Venezuelan cuatro and strings, which has already been performed around the world, and what will possibly be the first concert for flugelhorn, soon to be released and for which STOMVI has designed three new instruments.




Manuel Hernández-Silva with the ADDA, ORTVE and Cordoba orchestras

Manuel Hernández-Silva with the ADDA, ORTVE and Cordoba orchestras

After a spectacular concert at the Úbeda Festival in which he conducted the ORTVE orchestra with Marina Heredia and Cañizares, Manuel Hernández-Silva begins an intense symphonic season by leading the ADDA Simfònica from Alicante, the Cordoba Symphony Orchestra and—yet again—the ORTVE. With the ADDA orchestra he will conduct violist Isabel Villanueva in a program that includes Cantos de Ordesa, a concert for viola and orchestra by the recently deceased Antón García Abril, along with Vasili Kalinnikov’s Symphony No. 1 in G Minor. He will then lead the ORTVE orchestra in Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem, and the Córdoba orchestra in Franz Schubert’s Symphony No. 3 in D Major, D. 200 and Kalinnikov’s symphony.

Other outstanding commitments of this season include the Valencia Orchestra, where Manuel Hernández-Silva will conduct Pacho Flores and Leo Rondón at the Spanish premiere of Concierto Venezolano by Paquito D’Rivera, Cantos y Revueltas, by Flores himself, and Sibelius’s Symphony No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 39; the Real Filharmonía de Galicia, where he will conduct a Russian program including the overture A Life for the Tsar, by Mijaíl Glinka, Henryk Wieniawski’s Violin Concerto No. 1 in F sharp minor with Robert Lakatoš as soloist, and once again Kalinnikov’s Symphony No.1; the Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia in Spain, where he will premiere Manuel Moreno Buendía’s Stabat Mater with the mezzosoprano María José Montiel and the baritone Javier Franco; the Gran Canaria Philharmonic, again with Pacho Flores and Leo Rondón; the National Symphony of Chile; the Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo, in a Spanish program that includes Rafael Aguirre (guitar), Beatriz Díaz (soprano) and César Augusto Gutiérrez (tenor) as soloists; or the Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine for two new French premieres with Pacho Flores: the concerts Salseando, by Roberto Sierra, and Concierto Venezolano by Paquito D’Rivera, together with Silvestre Revueltas’s Redes, and Estancia by Alberto Ginastera.

Manuel Hernández-Silva with the ADDA, ORTVE and Cordoba orchestras

Manuel Hernández-Silva has been Principal Guest Conductor of the Simón Bolívar Orchestra and Musical and Artistic Director of the Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia, Orquesta de Córdoba, Malaga Philharmonic and Navarre Symphony Orchestra.