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Christian Vásquez

Christian Vásquez, conductor Christian Vásquez was Music Director of the Teresa Carreño Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela, leading them on an important tour around Europe which took them to perform in London, Lisbon, Toulouse, Munich, Stockholm and Istanbul. Vásquez has...

Perry So

Perry So, conductor Music and Artistic Director of the Navarra Symphony Orchestra Music Director Designated of the New Haven Symphony Orchestra A dynamic and transformative presence in concert halls on five continents, Perry So is currently Artistic Director and Chief...
Conductor Perry So joins ACM Concerts

Conductor Perry So joins ACM Concerts

ACM Concerts is proud to announce that the conductor from Hong Kong, Perry So, joins our roster in exclusive representation for Spain and Portugal. First and Special Prizes in the Prokofiev International Conducting Competition in St. Petersburg and first Dudamel Conducting Fellow at the Los Angeles Philharmonic, So comes from an amazing Opening Concert with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife and trumpet player Pacho Flores.

In the 2017-18 Season, conductor Perry So returns to the Orquesta Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias as the orchestra’s Artistic Partner. He makes his European operatic debut at the Royal Danish Opera in Die Zauberflöte, opens the season at the Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife, and debuts with the Szczecin Philharmonic and the Nürnberger Symphoniker, which he will lead on tour to Milan. Other highlights include a return to the Vancouver Symphony, and a four-program festival with the Cape Town Philharmonic.

Recent debuts include the Cleveland and Minnesota Orchestras, Houston, Detroit, New Jersey, Israel and Shanghai Symphony Orchestras, the China Philharmonic, and the Residentie Orkest in the Hague. He has been a frequent guest both at Walt Disney Hall and the Hollywood Bowl following his stint as an inaugural Dudamel Conducting Fellow of the Los Angeles Philharmonic. He led the Hong Kong Philharmonic with Lang Lang in an internationally televised celebration of the 15th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China at the close of his four years as Assistant, then Associate Conductor. He toured the Balkan Peninsula with the Zagreb Philharmonic in the first series of cultural exchanges established after the breakup of Yugoslavia.

Perry So frontal azul

Perry So received the First and Special Prizes at the Fifth International Prokofiev Conducting Competition in St Petersburg. His recording of Barber and Korngold’s Violin Concertos with violinist Alexander Gilman and the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra was awarded the Diapason d’Or in January 2012. He has recorded extensively with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and the BBC Concert Orchestra.

He is known for his wide-ranging programming, including numerous world premieres on four continents and works from the Renaissance and the Baroque. He has conducted productions of Così fan tutte, Die Zauberflöte, Turn of the Screw, Giulio Cesare, Gianni Schicchi, and Die Fledermaus. His commitment to working with young musicians has taken him to the Australian Youth Orchestra, the Round Top Festival, the Manhattan School of Music, the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts, and the Yale School of Music. He has assisted Edo de Waart, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Gustavo Dudamel, Lorin Maazel and John Adams. Born in Hong Kong, Perry So holds a degree in Comparative Literature from Yale University.



Hernández-Silva with the Spanish National Orchestra

Hernández-Silva with the Spanish National Orchestra

Hernández-Silva will conduct the Spanish National Orchestra next Saturday, October, the 14th, in the opening concert of Auditorio de Alicante’s Symphonic Season, that will host other conductors such Valery Gergiev or Fabio Luisi, and orchestras like Philharmonia Zürich and Mariinski Theatre Orchestra. Program: Gershwin’s Cuban overture, Philip Glass’ Concerto Fantasy for two timpanists, with soloists Xavier Eguillor and Julien Bourgeois; and Shostakovich’s 12th Symphony.


Manuel Hernández-Silva conducted in several great international festivals, and he is a frequent guest of Spanish and foreign orchestras. He has been principal conductor of the Córdoba Orchestra; principal guest conductor of the Simón Bolívar Orchestra of Caracas, with which he worked intensively for over five years; and musical director of the Youth Orchestra of Andalucía. He is currently chief conductor and artist director of the Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra. He has worked with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Israel Symphony Orchestra, Prague Radio, Mulhouse Symphony, Seoul Philharmonic, Nord Czech Philharmonic, Olomouc Philharmonic, National of Mexico,Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra, Chile National Orchestra, Venezuela Symphony Orchestra, Caracas Symphony Orchestra, Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra, Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra, Janacek Philharmonic, Rheinische Philharmonie, and the major orchestras in Spain.

Hernández-Silva Spanish National Orchestra Alicante

Maestro Hernández Silva has undertaken an intense teaching activity, teaching internationally on conducting and performing, as well as numerous conferences. All this has earned him the recognition of the musicians with whom he has worked, as well as that of the audience and specialized critics. Manuel Hernández-Silva earned his degree from Vienna’s Superior Conservatory (Konservatorium der Stadt Wien) with honors, under Professors Reinhard Schwarz and Georg Mark. In his senior year he won the Forum Jünger Künstler Conducting Competition, convened by the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, which he conducted in the Austrian capital’s Konzerthaus.