Manuel Hernández-Silva returns to the Buenos Aires Philharmonic

Manuel Hernández-Silva returns to the Buenos Aires Philharmonic

Manuel Hernández-Silva returns to Argentina to conduct the Buenos Aires Philharmonic at the Teatro Colón for the second time this season. If last March he assumed the responsibility of conducting the opening concert of the season with a monograph on Brahms, on this 8th subscription concert, which will take place on Saturday, July 1, he will conduct Diario VI, by Gerardo Gandini, one of the most important Argentine composers of the 20th century, Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante for violin and viola —with Xavier Inchausti, violin, and Pablo Saraví, viola, as soloists, and Dvořák’s Symphony No. 7. His stay in Argentina will be extended for a week to offer a concert with the orchestra in the city of Rosario.

In recent seasons, Manuel Hernández-Silva’s relationship with the Buenos Aires Philharmonic has strengthened considerably. Around these dates in 2019 he conducted, in his debut with the orchestra, two consecutive subscription programs, and he returned again in July 2022. Dvořák’s 8th Symphony, Schumann’s 2nd, Schubert’s 6th or Brahms’s 1st are some of the great symphonies that were part of his programs with the Philharmonic, along with concerts such as Saint Saëns’s Piano concerto No. 2, Beethoven’s Violin concerto No. 2 or Brahms’s Violin concerto, with soloists such as Martina Filjak, Arta Arnicane or Sergei Dogadin. Beethoven, Ravel and Berlioz are other composers whose works he conducted at the Colón, along with a world premiere by the Argentine composer Claudia Montero.

manuel hernandez silva blanco y negro sonrisa

Upcoming engagements include the Praga Philharmonia at the Český Krumlov International Festival in the Czech Republic, the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, the NFM Wroclaw in Poland, the Singapore Symphony Orchestra or his return to the Norwegian Arctic Philharmonic. In Spain he is expected again in the orchestras of Córdoba, Ciudad de Granada and the Symphony Orchestra of the Region of Murcia.




Marina Heredia, world premiere with the Duisburg Philharmonic

Marina Heredia, world premiere with the Duisburg Philharmonic

Marina Heredia takes part next June 28 and 29 in the world premiere of En Libertad! El camino de los gitanos, for singer, percussion, flamenco guitar and orchestra. The piece was commissioned by the Duisburger Philharmoniker to José Quevedo ‘Bolita’ and Joan Albert Amargós as part of the artistic residency of the cantaora in the 2022/23 season of the orchestra, and the texts were written by Quevedo himself on an idea by Marina Heredia. Both Quevedo and Amargós will have an active participation in this premiere since the former, as Marina’s regular guitarist, will also perform as a soloist, along with Paquito González on the percussion; Amargós on his part will act as musical director.

Marina had already visited Duisburg in November 2022 as part of her artistic residence, offering two concerts with the orchestra and its principal conductor, Axel Kober, in which she sang El Amor Brujo by Manuel de Falla. This visit was closed with the show Garnata by Marina’s usual quintet, since the interest of the artistic direction goes beyond symphonic concerts and they have also programmed Marina Heredia’s flamenco company. In the same way, after this world premiere, Marina and her company, with the addition of several Duisburger musicians, will offer a concert with the repertoire of Marina’s latest album, Capricho. In addition, educational activities have also been programmed in schools, as well as conferences-concerts in collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes.

Marina Heredia, world premiere with the Duisburg Philharmonic

After the recent presentation of the 2023/24 season of the Galician Symphony Orchestra, we can also announce that the Spanish premiere of En Libertad will take place in May 2024 with the same soloists, this time conducted by José Trigueros. Marina is definitely the most demanded singer internationally for this repertoire; only last year she could be seen in Germany at the Konzerthaus, the Philharmonie and the Pierre Boulez Saal in Berlin; the Laieszhalle of the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, or the Lausitz Festival in Görlitz, and she has sung with important orchestras such as Chicago Symphony or San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre National de Lille or Orquestra Sinfônica da Casa da Música do Porto in Portugal.


Aarón Zapico opens the Granada Festival with the OCG

Aarón Zapico opens the Granada Festival with the OCG

Aarón Zapico opens the 72nd edition of the Granada International Music and Dance Festival at the Palace of Carlos V on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 June with a program on the figure of Don Quixote. The core piece will be Falla’s El Retablo de Maese Pedro, in commemoration of the centenary of its premiere on June 25, 1923 at the palace of the Princess of Polignac in Paris, almost exactly 100 years ago. Aarón will lead the Ciudad de Granada Orchestra with Alicia Amo, soprano (Trujamán), David Alegret, tenor (Maese Pedro), José Antonio López, baritone (Don Quixote), Juan Carlos Garvayo, harpsichord, and the Compañía Etcétera, with Enrique Lanz as stage director and responsible for the puppets, set design and projections. The program, entitled El retablo de Maese Pedro. Un tríptico sobre Don Quijote, also includes Burlesque de Quichotte, overture-suite in G major, TWV 55:G1 (1716) by Georg Philipp Telemann, and a selection from Don Quichotte chez la Duchesse, op. 97 (1743) by Joseph Bodin Boismortier.

As the festival explains, Manuel de Falla’s El retablo de Maese Pedro, one of the most unique and important stage works in the history of Spanish music, was premiered at the palace of the Princess of Polignac in Paris on June 25, 1923. Conceived as a brief chamber opera for puppets on an episode of Don Quixote, the work had already been heard in concert version in March of that same year at the Teatro San Fernando in Seville. For the Parisian premiere, Falla had the collaboration of professor, engraver and set designer Hermenegildo Lanz. In 2009, his grandson Enrique Lanz, director of the prestigious Compañía Etcétera, created giant puppets to present the play at the Teatro Real, and it is these puppets that will now arrive on the stage of the Alhambra, together with the OCG, Aarón Zapico, a group of select Spanish singers and a couple of Cervantine works from the Baroque period to complete the programme.

Aarón Zapico dirige El Mesías en Granada y Madrid

Aarón has just returned from Mexico after conducting the Academia de Música Antigua of the Universidad Autónoma de México in three concerts in various venues of the Mexican capital. The program was made up exclusively of works by Spanish Baroque composers such as José Castel, Francisco Hernández Illana, Vicente Baset, Antonio Literes, Mateo Flecha, José de Nebra, Sebastián Durón or Juan de Navas, grouped under the generic title of Fuego: an imaginary zarzuela of the Hispanic Baroque. Among Aarón’s upcoming commitments are his debuts at the Teatro Real in Madrid to conduct La liberazione di Ruggiero dall’isola di Alcina by Francesca Caccini, and at the Palau de les Arts in Valencia, where he will conduct Antonio Literes’s Los Elementos. He will also lead orchestras such as the Real Filharmonía de Galicia, the Cordoba Orchestra or the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra. Aarón Zapico is a frequent guest at the Granada Festival. He made his debut in 2011 with Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, which were recorded on an album produced by Winter & Winter. In 2019, Forma Antiqva, the group directed by Zapico, was resident ensemble of the festival. He has also been a teacher in the Manuel de Falla Courses. In 2020, 2021 and 2022, he returned as a teacher and head of the Festival’s Baroque Academy.




Pacho Flores continues his residency in Liverpool

Pacho Flores continues his residency in Liverpool

Pacho Flores returns to the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra to continue his artistic residency. After his visit last December, when he took part in five extraordinary Christmas concerts, he will appear this time at a subscription concert that will take place on May 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, where he will perform Henri Tomasi’s concerto as well as Albares, his own concerto for flugelhorn, all under the baton of Domingo Hindoyan.

The next and last concert of this residency will take place in July with the UK premiere of Altar de Bronce, Gabriela Ortiz’s trumpet concerto that had its World premiere last April with the Galician Symphony Orchestra under Manuel Hernández-Silva, along with Salseando, by Roberto Sierra. That premiere in Galicia was actually also part of an artistic residency, since this season Pacho has been artist-in-residence of these two orchestras, after being last summer at the La Virée Classique festival of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra.

Pacho Flores prosigue su residencia en Liverpool

Pacho has just arrived from North America, where he presented the continental premieres of the orchestral version of his own work Cantos y Revueltas with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Rafael Payare; and Historias de Flores y Tangos, by Daniel Freiberg, with the Walla Walla Symphony Orchestra under José Luis Gómez. On his return from Liverpool, he will travel to Colombia to perform again Freiberg’s concerto together with Albares under the baton of Christian Vásquez, before facing an intense summer that includes, in addition to the aforementioned third visit to Liverpool, two important debuts in great summer seasons: at the Hollywood Bowl with the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Gustavo Dudamel, and at the Rady Shell of the San Diego Symphony with Rafael Payare, where he will perform Concierto de Otoño by Arturo Márquez and Salseando by Roberto Sierra, respectively.


Gómez and Flores premiere new Freiberg’s concerto in the US

Gómez and Flores premiere new Freiberg’s concerto in the US

José Luis Gómez and Pacho Flores meet with the Walla Walla Symphony Orchestra for the US premiere of Historias de Flores y Tangos, new trumpet concerto by Daniel Freiberg, which will take place at Cordiner Hall next Tuesday, May 2 at 7 p.m. The concert was commissioned jointly by the WW Symphony, Oviedo Filarmonía, Orquesta Sinfónica de Minería and Arctic Philharmonic of Norway. This US premiere closes the cycle of premieres reserved for the orchestras that participated in the shared commission, so that the work becomes now available for any orchestra that wishes to program it.

Gómez and Flores had already met at the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, of which the former is principal conductor, for the US premiere in January 2019 of the Concierto de Otoño by Arturo Márquez, as the orchestra was part of the consortium of commissioners of this piece to the Mexican composer, together with the Nacional de México, the Hyogo PAC Orchestra of Japan and, once again, the Oviedo Filarmonía. Pacho returned to Tucson again as recently as last February, accompanied on this occasion by Manuel Hernández-Silva, with a program that again included a couple of US premieres: Salseando, trumpet concerto by Roberto Sierra, and Manuel Moreno Buendía’s Boceto Sinfónico.

Pacho Flores, new premiere of Daniel Freiberg with Minería and Prieto

Pacho will return to the US a couple of times in the upcoming months, first in June to perform Salseando by Sierra with the San Diego Symphony and Rafael Payare at the Rady Shell, and then in July for his Los Angeles Philharmonic debut with Gustavo Dudamel at the Hollywood Bowl, performing Márquez’s Concierto de Otoño. For his part, and with a contract still in force until 2024, José Luis Gómez was renewed last summer in his position as Music Director of the Tucson Symphony until 2027, and has recently conducted orchestras such as the Indianapolis Symphony or the US National Symphony Orchestra.