Hernández-Silva positioned the Malaga Philharmonic to an artistic level unconceivable short ago

Hernández-Silva positioned the Malaga Philharmonic to an artistic level unconceivable short ago

Face to face with Mozart. Hernández-Silva and the MFO.

Review – Alejandro Fernández for LA OPINIÓN from Málaga. Edgar Neville Hall. Paino: Emin Kiourktchyan. Program:  W. A. Mozart: Piano Concerto n.19 in F Major, Kv.459; J. Brahms: Symphony nº.4 in e Minor, op. 98. Conductor: Manuel Hernández-Silva.

The end of the season is coming and the first of closing concerts correspond to the Cycle ‘In the Seafront’, what happens in the Edgar Neville Hall. With a younger profile audience than the main cycle in the Teatro Cervantes, maestro Hernández-Silva, Chief Conductor of the orchestra, proposed a meeting between Mozart and Brahms since the point of view of the evolution of the solo concert in the first composer, and the full development of the symphony in the other. Two key figures of the great repertoire and a young, still in training, musician Emin Kiourktchyan, with the freshness approach to the great Art in capitals. A serious program for a festive and celebrating evening. 

The improvement of musical training in the region of Andalusia is already a fact in the concert halls. A new horizon is open that obligues to a right management of this flow of young musicians. Always sensitive to this reality, the Malaga Philharmonic lead by its Musical and Artistic Director Manuel Hernández-Silva, dedicates the Cycle ‘In the Seafront’ as a showcase and opportunity for young musicians as Emin Kiourktchyan to work together with a professional orchestra. 

Hernández-Silva Orquesta Nacional de España Alicante

Kiourktchyan, next to fourteen years old, played the Piano Concerto Kv.459 by Mozart with rigor and skills of experienced soloist. He was perfect with the sound, articulation and phrasing, mature to understand the underlying sense of humour and with the necessary virtuosity, as behind the apparent jolliness, the score is a real expressive challenge. Hernández-Silva created the right conceptual environment to leave Kiourktchyan to free his talent and anergy.. 

If short ago it was Brahms’ 3rd Symphony, to close the last program of the In the Seafront cycle Hernández-Silva conducted a 4th Symphony based on the strong complicity between the baton and the musicians that so excellent results is obtaining. The big Brahms Symphony was built over the solvency of the woodwinds, with special mention of fagots, flutes and clarinets, and the sensuality of the strings. A perfect piece to check the actual state of the orchestra, and the conclusion is that Hernández-Silva has positioned the Malaga Philharmonic to an artistic level unconceivable short time ago.




Pacho Flores, new recording for Deutsche Grammophon

Pacho Flores, new recording for Deutsche Grammophon

After his concert in France wit the Orchestre de Cannes on next April the 21st at the Congress Hall of Antibes Juan-les-Pins under the baton of Benjamin Pionnier and with some of his classics like Concerto para corno de Caccia by Neruda, Aria from the Bachiana Brasileira nº 5 by Villalobos, Gypsy Airs by Sarasate and Winter in Buenos Aires by Piazzolla, Pacho Flores will record his third release for Deutsche Grammophon.

Between April the 30th and May the 3rd, Flores will lock himself together with the Arctic Philharmonic Orchestra and conductor Christian Lindberg at the Stormen Concert Hall of Bodo, Norway, to record some outstanding trumpet concertos of the repertoire, together with one of the most interesting trumpet concerto of the modern times and some of Pacho Flores’s specialties (we will give more detailed information soon). Part of this repertoire will be played during an European Tour in November that will take place in venues like Bodo and Tromso Concert Halls, home venues of the Arctic Philharmonic; Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Salzburg Festspielhaus and, in Spain, the Auditorio Príncipe Felipe in Oviedo, Palau de la Música in Valencia and ADDA – Auditorio de la Diputación in Alicante.


Pacho Flores, commissions and premieres

Pacho Flores is also developing an ambitious project of shared commission to prominent composers as Arturo Márquez, Roberto Sierra, Paquito D’Rivera, Efraín Oscher and Christian Lindberg, whose premieres will take place all along the world during the next four seasons. First of the commissions, to Arturo Márquez, will be premiered in México, USA, Japan and Spain along the 18/19 season.

pacho_flores_rfg_cantos_tocando_blancoy negro

Besides this project of commissions Pacho Flores will also play the absolute premieres of other works by composers as Daniel Freiberg, Arturo Sandoval, Christian Lindberg and Efraín Oscher, in places like the Nederlands, Argentina, Spain and Germany, respectively, that add to other recent premieres as Cantos y Revueltas, by Pacho Flores himself, with the Real Filharmonía de Galicia and Manuel Hernández-Silva on past January; the Trumpet Concerto by Giancarlo Castro with the Ulster Orchestra and Rafael Payare in February; or Preach, pour trompette et orchestre, by Alain Trudel, with the Orchestre Symphonique de Laval and Trudel himself at the baton, on past March. 




Domínguez-Nieto, Chief Conductor in Córdoba

Domínguez-Nieto, Chief Conductor in Córdoba

The Orquesta de Córdoba has designated Maestro Carlos Domínguez-Nieto as its new Music and Artistic Director since the season 2018/19. Domínguez-Nieto is also Music Director of the Concierto München Chamber Orchestra in Germany since its creation in 1997, was Assistant Conductor of the Spanish National Youth Orchestra and of the Münchner Jugendorchester, Assistant Conductor of Ivan Fischer in the Budapest Festival Orchestra, Music Director at the Münchner Kammeroper and General Musik Direktor of the Landestheater Eisenach.

Carlos Domínguez-Nieto

Debuted at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires conducting the Buenos Aires Philharmonic in 1995. In the season 1997/98 he was assistant conductor of the Spanish National Youth Orchestra and of the Münchner Jugendorchester, working with Mstislav Rostropovich and András Ligeti between others. In 1999 he won the position of Assistant Conductor of Ivan Fischer in the Budapest Festival Orchestra. In 2001 won the First Prize in the International Conducting Competition of the Fundación Oriente de Lisboa.

In 2000 Domínguez-Nieto debuted as opera conductor in Salzburg with C. M. von Weber’s Der Freischütz. Since that year till 2005 he is Music Director at the Münchner Kammeroper, where he conducted 13 new productions. From 2009 to 2015 he was General Musik Direktor of the Landestheater Eisenach where he conducted more than 50 titles of opera as well as ballet. Domínguez-Nieto works regularly in the Stadtstheater Klagenfurt, Südostbayerisches Städtetheater, Staatsphilharmonie Halle and Staatskapelle Halle, Münchner Symphonieorchester, Münchner Rundfunk Orchester and Münchner Philharmoniker, Nürnberger Symphoniker, Hofer Symphoniker, WDR Symphonieorchester Köln, Bayerische Kammerorchester, Sinfonieorchester Basel, Brucknerorchester Linz, Württembergische Philharmonie, Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie, etc.

Furthermore he has conducted the Orquesta de Radiotelevisión Española, Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra, Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León, Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canari, Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga, Real Filharmonía de Galicia, Warsaw Philharmonic, Hungarian Symphony, the Orchestra of the Hungarian National Opera, Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa, Orquesta Filarmónica de Buenos Aires and Sinfónica de Rosario in Argentina, Orquesta de la Universidad Nacional en México and the Aragua, Falcón, Guárico and Mérida Symphonies in Venezuela.

He recorded Sony-BMG and the Radio of Baviera, with the Münchner Rundfunk Orchester, the WDR Symphonieorchester Köln and the Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria, with soloists as Francisco Araiza, Olga Scheps, Wen-Sinn Yang or Ingolf Turban. Carlos was born in Madrid 1972 where he studied piano, violoncello and composition, and moves to Vienna to study composition and orchestra conducting at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien with Leopold Hager and Uros Lajovic; and at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg with Dennis-Russell Davis and Jorge Rotter.




Pacho Flores, debut and premiere in Canada

Pacho Flores, debut and premiere in Canada

Glorieuse trompette is the title that the Orchestre Symphonique de Laval gave to the debut concert of Pacho Flores in Canada, in which he will premiere Preach, pour trompette et orchestre by Alain Trudel. The program includes as well some of Flores’ warhorses as the Concerto for Corno da Caccia by J. B. G. Neruda, Soledad, by Efraín Oscher or Invierno Porteño (Winter in Buenos Aires) by Piazzolla, arranged by Oscher. This will be the third Flores’ absolute premiere in 2018, after his own Cantos y Revueltas with the Real Filharmonía de Galicia and conductor Manuel Hernández-Silva in January and the Trumpet Concerto by Giancarlo Castro with the Ulster Orchestra and conductor Rafael Payare in February.

But the actually intense plan of premieres will begin with the 2018/19 season when the big project of shared commission will start. Determined to expand the range of trumpet repertoire, Pacho Flores is developing an ambitious project of commissions to prominent composers such Arturo Márquez, Roberto Sierra, Paquito D’Rivera, Efraín Oscher and Christian Lindberg. This is a four seasons long plan with orchestras from all over the world. First complete commission is to Arturo Márquez, and the scheduled premieres will be in Mexico (September 2018), USA (January 2019), Japan (May 2019) and Spain (August de 2019). 

Pacho Flores Deutsche_Grammophon

The other commissions are going forward with orchestras already committed in Spain, Mexico and USA again, as well as in Brazil and Puerto Rico. This project will have its culmination with two recordings for Flores’ label, Deutsche Grammophon, including all the new commissioned works. On next April Pacho Flores will record his third CD for the yellow label with Arctic Philharmonic Orchestra and its Music Director Christian Lindberg, including the famous Haydn and Arutunian concertos, Christian Lindberg’s Akban Bunka, and arrangements of works by Pablo Sarasate, Astor Piazzolla and Antonio Carlos Jobim. Besides this large and demanding project, Flores will also premiere the new Christian Lindberg’s Double Concerto for trumpet and trombone in Spain in March, 2019, with trombone player Ximo Vicedo; and Arturo Sandoval’s Trumpet Concerto in Argentina in October, 2019.




Aurélien Pascal

Aurélien Pascal

Aurélien Pascal, violoncello   At only 23 years old, French cellist Aurélien Pascal already commands international attention for his unparalleled virtuosity and musical intuition (The Strad). Laureate of several prestigious international competitions, including...