Imaginarium Ensemble
Founded and directed by Enrico Onofri, Imaginarium (a place devoted to the imagination) brings together a group of musicians who play with leading early music ensembles.
In 2006, Imaginarium released with great success its album La voce nel violino, dedicated to the Italian early baroque repertoire for violin, and in 2010, a recording of Vivaldi’s violin solo sonatas, including the celebrated La Follia.
Imaginarium released in 2013 its international album Devil’s Trill (Tartini, Veracini, Mossi, Bonporti), and in 2014 the recording of Corelli’s Op. V violin sonatas (Passacaille). In November 2019, Enrico Onofri and Imaginarium presented Into Nature, which, advocating the relationship between humans and nature during the Baroque period, offers a tour around the Italian music of the 17th and 18th centuries including music by composers such as Marini, Janequin, Merula, Uccellini, Pasino (first world recording) and of course Vivaldi.
Imaginarium is an ensemble of variable geometry, from trio to small orchestra. Among its principal members are Riccardo Doni (harpsichordist and organist of Il Giardino Armonico), Alessandro Palmeri (cello), Alessandro Tampieri (violinist, concertmaster of Accademia Bizantina) and Enrico Onofri (violinist and conductor).