Taller Atlántico Contemporáneo
TAC Ensemble made its first appearance in 2010 performing Eine Brise, Transient Action for 111 Cyclists by Mauricio Kagel at the Praza do Obradoiro, Santiago de Compostela. In June 2010 they set a grand piano by the Lighthouse in Fisterra and 27 pianists played Satie´s Vexations, a 18 hours long piano piece.
In 2010 and 2011 TAC was ensemble in residence at CGAC (Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea), Santiago, where they played works by Spanish composers such as Fernando Buide, Octavio Vázquez, Jacobo Gaspar, Eduardo Soutullo, or Juán Eiras. They also played works by Schnittke, Donatoni, Joao Pedro Oliveira, Berio and Crumb. In July 2011 performed with the renowned Spanish rock band Siniestro Total in Via Stellae Festival (Santiago). There, they premiered together the Suicidal Suite Land of Opportunity, a new vision of the band’s repertoire arranged for TAC-Siniestro Ensemble by composer Javier López de Guereña. In January 2012 they had a great success with this Suite in Vigo.
In 2011 and 2012 they organized at A Cidade da Cultura in Santiago de Compostela two seasons of Os Seráns do TAC: music, humour and gastronomy. In these seasons TAC collaborated with actors such as Carlos Blanco, Quico Cadaval, Julián Hernández; with restaurants Pepe Solla, Eirado da Leña, Abastos 2.0, Culler de Pau and Yayo Daporta; with guest conductors Diego Masson and Paul Daniel; and solosits David Villa (oboe), Alex Salgueiro (basoon), Carmen Gurriarán, Josep Miquel Ramón, Elena de la Merced, Humberto Ayerbe, Cristina Barriga, Eliseu Mera and Mónica de Nut (singers) and Odaiko (percussion group). Repertoire included, among others, 4th Symphony and Lieder eines Fahrenden Gesellen by Mahler; Pierrot Lunaire by Schoenberg, Secret Theatre by Birtwistle, Da Capo by Francesconi, Piccola Música Notturna by Dallapiccola, Concierto para Oboe by Del Puerto and the Four Note opera, by Tom Johnson
In 2013 TAC ensemble was awarded the Galician Critics Prize for Music as the best artistic project in 2012 (Os Seráns do TAC). Also in 2013 TAC was awarded First Prize for Classical and Contemporary Music at the First Galician Music Prizes.
In 2014 TAC is having concerts in Auditorio Nacional de Madrid (cycle of concerts Fronteras), Festival de Música Religiosa de Cuenca and Festival de Música de Granada.
TAC is an open ensemble. Its musicians are whether members of the Real Filharmonia de Galica, or members of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia or Galician Conservatory Teachers. TAC´s artistic and musical director is Diego García Rodríguez.